Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"There's a place for us...you know the movie song..."

If I think about movies + songs, the index in my mind immediately takes me to Dire Straits' touching rewrite of "Romeo and Juliet," released all the way back in 1980. Given its rather cinematic quality, it's not surprising the song was added onto some movie soundtracks, including Hot Fuzz and Empire Records. If you saw this year's Oscar broadcast, you, too, might be thinking about movie songs.

Buying a movie soundtrack is often hit or miss. What sounded great accompanying all the big screen action can fall flat coming out of your ear buds while you walk on the treadmill. I do have a few soundtrack favorites, including "The Fabulous Baker Boys," "Amadeus" (hard to mess with Mozart), "Say Anything" (equally hard to mess with John Cusack, eh?) and an obscure favorite, "The Butterfly Ball and The Grasshopper's Feast." If you were intrigued by the movie songs at the Academy Awards, why not check them out from the library? Then you can be the judge: will these songs stand the test of time or remain a forgotten backdrop to the actions of vampires, dragons and Alice in Wonderland?

Here's a link to recent movie/TV soundtrack music in our collection.
If the results screen you see looks unfamiliar, I've thrown you a little curve and brought you to our new catalog, BiblioCommons, which we are rolling out over the next few weeks. Browse and explore and see how you like it. If you want to try it more extensively, create an account:
  1. Type in your full library card number and your current password;
  2. Fill in the required details on the account information screen;
  3. Please, please, PLEASE change your password if you are currently using the word patron
  4. That's all there is to it. You can log in using your library card number or user name.
Have fun and let us know what you think.